The curriculum of the Medical Education Study Program (PSPD) at FK UNEJ is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the objectives, content, study materials, study materials and how to deliver them, and assessment of learning outcomes used as guidelines for the implementation of learning activities at PSPD FK UNEJ.

Medical education at FK UNEJ is carried out in three phases which are held for 11 semesters. Phase I and II are the academic stage or undergraduate education stage (S1). Students who complete these two phases earn a Bachelor of Medicine (S.Ked.) degree. Next is phase III, which is the stage of professional education whose graduates get the designation of doctors (dr.).

To facilitate the achievement of learning objectives, at the stage of academic education, a theme is made in each semester that is arranged in a sequence, proportional, consistent, and logical. This theme becomes a framework for mastering competencies in each semester, so that the learning process is more focused. The preparation of tutorial modules, practicum modules, medical skills modules, and other modules is adjusted to the theme of the current semester. The following is a description of each phase in the Competency-Based Curriculum for Medical Education FK UNEJ.

Since 2006 PSPD FK UNEJ has implemented a competency-based curriculum (KBK). PSPD FK UNEJ sets competency standards that must be achieved referring to the Indonesian Doctor Competency Standards (SKDI) set by KKI in 2007.

From these competencies, a mapping is then made (grouped) based on the year in which some of these competencies can be achieved, so that an annual curriculum is formed. Furthermore, the annual curriculum is divided or broken down into micro-curricula (blocks), six blocks each. The faculty also included local content integrated with KBK. The structure and content of the curriculum are:
1. Undergraduate 148 credits
2. Profession 40 credits

The Medical Education Curriculum at FK UNEJ is organized based on a new paradigm of medical education known as SPICES. namely: Student centered learning, Problem-based learning, Integrated, Community Based Oriented, Early Clinical expossure, Self directed learning.

The Medical Education Curriculum at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jember is organized based on a new paradigm of medical education known as SPICES. Problem-based learning (PBL) is the main strategy with tutorials as the heart of the activity in the learning process. Learning activities are carried out based on modules that contain scenarios as trigers or triggers in learning. The series of activities starts from the first tutorial which is continued by independent information search, lectures, expert consultations, practicums and other supportive activities. The information that has been obtained is further validated in the second tutorial. The tutorials are organized in small groups accompanied by a facilitator. To prepare students to undergo professional education by optimally organizing medical skills training in the medical skills laboratory. This activity is held throughout the semester with material relevant to the theme of the block.

Tutorial Discussion

Tutorial discussions can be carried out in small groups of 10-15 students or in large groups guided by tutors who serve as facilitators. In discussing students will be faced with problems in the form of scenarios as triggers in the discussion. Each scenario is solved in two meetings with an interval of 3-4 days. The discussion was conducted with a seven jumps approach consisting of:
(1) Clarifying terms/concepts
(2) Establishing the problem
(3) Analyzing the problem
(4) Draw conclusions to step (3)
(5) Determine learning goals
(6) Self-study
(7) Draw conclusions from all existing information.

Steps (1) to step (5) are carried out at the first meeting so that the things to be learned are obtained as set out in the learning objectives. Step (6) is carried out outside the group to obtain references that can be obtained from self-study, lectures, practicums, expert consultations, and other related activities. Step (7) is carried out at the second meeting, which is a validation of all information obtained at the time of step (6). In this step, there is a discussion by confronting the results of searching for information that has been obtained.


Practicum aims to improve or clarify the understanding of a material and provide skills to work in the laboratory.

Clinical Skills Training

Medical skills training aims to provide the professional skills of a doctor to be ready when attending medical professional education. In this activity, students are trained in various basic skills needed to become a doctor using mannequins and simulated patients. The skills provided range from diagnostic procedures, clinical procedures, and other relevant skills.

Clinic Work

Clinical work is in the form of carrying out the professional work of a doctor under the guidance of a clinical supervisor in a real health service setting.


Fieldwork is intended to train learners to interact directly with the community to apply the medical knowledge that has been obtained. Field activities are carried out in puskesmas, assisted villages, natural disaster areas, pharmaceutical factories, and industrial environments (specifically agro-industry).

Expert Consultation

Expert consultations are carried out on a scheduled basis or at the request of students if they encounter difficulties in understanding concepts or theories during tutorial discussions or independent study. Expert consultations can be carried out in small or large groups depending on needs.


Self-study is carried out in order to explore broader or deeper information about a material related to the problem being studied so that it can understand a material comprehensively.

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