The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Jember (FK UNEJ) boasts a highly competent and experienced teaching team. FK UNEJ’s lecturers are medical doctors who have achieved the highest level of education in their respective fields of medicine. In terms of their educational qualifications, we have 15 lecturers who hold doctoral degrees (S3), 29 with master’s degrees (S2), and 26 with the title of First Specialist (Sp-1).

The education staff at FK UNEJ is a dedicated team that includes laboratory personnel responsible for ensuring seamless practical learning experiences with state-of-the-art facilities. Additionally, our administrative education staff carry out their faculty administrative duties professionally, providing crucial support for the success of academic and operational processes. Together, they form a solid foundation for creating an effective and efficient learning environment within the faculty.

For detailed information regarding the profiles and ranks of our lecturers, please refer to the available diagrams, which offer a comprehensive overview of the expertise and experience of FK UNEJ’s lecturers in their role of supporting high-quality medical education at our university.



The lecturers at FK UNEJ are experienced doctors who bring profound knowledge of medicine to support high-quality education.


The staff are professionals who contribute their expertise to support laboratory practical activities and provide top-notch educational administrative services.