Phisiology Laboratory
Organizational Structure
Dr. dr. Aris Prasetyo, M.Kes.
dr. Pipiet Wulandari, Sp.JP.
dr. Jauhar Firdaus, M.Biotek.
dr. K. Dian Sofiana, M.Biomed.
dr. Adelia Handoko, M.Si.
Pranata Laboratory
Lulut Sri Wilujeng, A.Md.
Physiology or faal science (pronounced fa-al) is one of the branches of biology that studies the ongoing life systems. The term “physiology” is borrowed from the Dutch, physiologie, which is formed from two Greek words Kuna: φύσις, physis, meaning “origin” or “essence” and λογία, logia, meaning “study”. The term “faal” is taken from Arabic, meaning “omen”, “function”, “work”.