
As proof of professional doctors, the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jember collaborates with various parties, both foreign and domestic. The conjunction of the first and main is carried out with the hospital. To give birth to general practitioners partnership with hospitals becomes a separate concentration of this faculty. We are well aware that the strong foundation of relationships between medical schools and teaching hospitals is also an important key to the success of medical education. The development of medical science, starting from education, clinical practice, technological advances, to research areas, inevitably has to be touched by international collaboration. This global challenge is trying to be answered by this faculty by collaborating with various institutions abroad.


1. Deakin University
2. Western District of Health Service
3. University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
4. University of San Carlos School of Health Care Professions Cebu
5. San Pedro College
6. Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
7. Griffith University, Queensland, Australia
8. Graduate School of medical and Dental Sciences Kagoshima University
9. University of Southern Denmark
10. Lensburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
11. Institute of Tropical Medicine, Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen

1. RS. dr. Soebandi Jember
2. RSUD. dr. Haryoto Lumajang
3. RSUD. dr. Koesnadi Bondowoso
4. RSD. Balung
5. RSD. Kalisat
6. RSU. Dr. Soetomo Surabaya
7. Pemerintah Kabupaten Jember
8. FK Universitas Airlangga
9. FK Universitas Hangtuah, Surabaya
10. Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Airlangga
11. Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN, Jember
12. Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik (UMG)
13. STIKES dr. Soebandi, Jember
14. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan, Banyuwangi
15. Fak Ilmu Olahraga, UNESA, Surabaya
16. Yayasan Gerontologi Abiyoso
17. PT. Transwaste Moda Indonesia
18. PT. Prodia Widyahusada Tbk.
19. CV Global Science – INBIO Indonesia
20. LAZDA Rizki- Rumah Itqon Zakat dan Infaq