Research Community Service

Organizational Structure

Dr. dr. Yunita Armiyanti, M.Kes., Sp.Park.

Dr. dr. Hairrudin, M.Kes.


dr. Eny Nurmaida

Division Animal Handling

Dr. dr. Muhammad Ihwan Narwanto, M.Sc.

dr. Elly Nurus Sakinah, M.Si.


dr. Kristianningrum Dian Sofiana, M.Biomed.
Lilik Maslian, A.Md.
Ahmad Kodri Riyandoko, A.Md.Kep.


The Research and Community Service Commission is a commission that has the task of coordinating, monitoring and assessing research and community service activities based on faculty policies.

  • Develop a planlroadmap, evaluate programs and budgets, and report on research and community service to match the vision and mission of the Faculty;
  • Encouraging the acceleration of grant achievements and outputs (publication of articles, books, IPR d11) research and community service, especially those that support the vision and mission of the Faculty;
  • Develop SOPs related to scientific activities and organize scientific activities;
  • Manage a trial animal laboratory;
  • Organize all laboartorium activities of experimental animals;
  • Conducting animal handling training for students.