Agromedicine – FK UNEJ carried out the initiation of a very useful Albumin Village in Jenggawah Village in celebration of their 23rd Anniversary. In this initiation, FK UNEJ provided 4000 tilapia seedlings to the community as an effort to prevent stunting. Stunting is a condition of growth failure in children caused by poor nutrition. To prevent this problem, FK UNEJ collaborated with the village in providing 4000 tilapia seedlings to the people of Jenggawah Village. Tilapia is a high source of protein which is very important for the development and growth of children.

Albumin Village in Jenggawah Village is a real effort of FK UNEJ in building public awareness and knowledge about the importance of good nutrition for children’s growth. FK UNEJ hopes that through this initiative, stunting rates can be reduced in Jenggawah Village and children can grow up healthily and optimally. In addition to providing tilapia seeds, FK UNEJ also plans to continue mentoring and monitoring tilapia farming activities in Jenggawah Village. They will assist the community in overcoming technical obstacles and provide suggestions to increase tilapia production.

In his speech, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine UNEJ expressed his gratitude to the people of Jenggawah Village for the participation and enthusiasm they showed in the initiation activities of Albumin Village. He also stressed the importance of cooperation between universities and communities in building shared health and well-being. Albumin Village in Jenggawah Village is a clear example of how FK UNEJ plays an active role in building health and improving the quality of life in the community. Through nutrition education and tilapia breeding, FK UNEJ hopes to have a sustainable positive impact on the health and welfare of children in Jenggawah Village.

Author: AKR