Test animals or experimental animals are specially kept laboratory animals
for experimental purposes and so on. The use of test animals in scientific research in the field of health has been running for decades. Since 1964, there has been a Declaration recommending medical research, namely about the ethical aspects of research involving humans as objects of research. It is necessary to conduct experiments on test animals first before conducting experiments or research conducted on humans.
The workshop was held on Friday, May 3, 2023 at the Auditorium, 2nd Floor of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jember. It was opened directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jember, dr. Ulfa Elfiah, M.Ke., Sp.BP-RE., SubSp. LBL., (K). in his remarks, the Dean said that “This workshop is a way for us to improve the quality of our research, especially those involving experimental animals. I hope that in the future the book can have a standardized and even the best experimental animal house so that it can become a reference at the University of Jember and in the national arena.
The training is held in one day, starting at 08.00 – 16.00 WIB. The material presented includes materials on Experimental Animal Anatomy, Experimental Animal Care and Trial Animal Treatment. The event continued after the afternoon break session by inviting all participants to jump directly into handling experimental animals. This activity was accompanied by a facilitator, namely a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jember, dr. Elly Nurus Sakinah, M.Si. This training is expected that participants will be able to treat experimental animals well so that they can carry out proper stress management in experimental animals, providing drug or nutritional intake, and so on.