Agromedicine – Masjid Asyifa’ FK UNEJ held an activity aimed at strengthening religious ties and increasing the understanding of the FK UNEJ academic community towards Islam. The activity is Majlis Sholawat which will be used as a monthly routine agenda at this mosque. In order to carry out the routine agenda, Masjid Asyifa’ FK UNEJ invited Ustadz Ahmad Suyono, who was expected to provide tausiyah and in-depth explanations to students, staff, and the general public who were also present. This Sholawat Council aims to strengthen faith and increase the sense of togetherness among the academic community of FK UNEJ.

This activity is also expected to be a forum to increase understanding of Islamic teachings and strengthen religious values in the midst of academic activities and campus life. Chairman of the Asyifa Mosque of FK UNEJ, Asnan, said that this activity was an effort to expand and deepen the religious knowledge of the FK UNEJ academic community. “We hope that with this routine activity, students can better understand and live the teachings of Islam, so that they can become a strong generation in living life in the world and the hereafter.”

The Sholawat Council was filled with various religious activities, which began with remarks from the Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Medicine UNEJ, the reading of prayers to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. and tausiyah delivered directly by Ustadz Ahmad Suyono with themes that are relevant to student life today, such as maintaining morals, living a balanced campus life, and the importance of being grateful for the blessings that Allah SWT has given us. In this activity, not only the academic community of FK UNEJ was invited, but also the administrators of the Al-Hikmah mosque of Jember University and the general public who wanted to attend this ceremony. The purpose of this open invitation is to involve the surrounding community in religious activities and strengthen relations between the campus and the surrounding community.

The Sholawat Council at Masjid Asyifa’ FK UNEJ is scheduled to be held once a month, with the hope that it can become a tradition that continues and provides sustainable benefits for all participants. This activity is expected to bring blessings and harmony to all involved in this activity.

Author: AKR