The Isra Mi’raj Nabi Muhammad SAW event was held on Friday, March 03, 2023 at the Student Center Building, 5th Floor of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jember. This activity was attended by the Chairperson of DWP, Mrs. WR 1 and WR 3 Jember University, Dean, Lecturers, Educators and the Darmawanita Association, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jember.
Also present as well as being a speaker in the Isra Mi’raj event of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, namely KH. Muhammad Yazid Khobir from Pondok Pesantren Mambaul Khoirod and accompanied by the Hadrah Team of Jember University.
“We have a fairly high mandate, namely achieving Agromedical Jaya in 2025 in Southeast Asia, I hope that with our inner strength and faith, we can jointly achieve that ideal we fly together towards the highest sky of Agromedical Jaya,” said the dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jember in his speech.