Agromedicine – Faculty of Medicine, University of Jember (FK UNEJ) has prepared a CBT Center as a preparatory step in carrying out independent selection activities using test applications. The main purpose of this activity carried out simultaneously at the University of Jember is to update and improve the selection process for prospective students, as well as provide a more efficient and integrated experience. The CBT Center that has been prepared by FK UNEJ is equipped with the latest technological infrastructure. The computers in the CBT Center have been installed with exam applications that have gone through a series of trials and verification of reliability. This provides assurance that the exam process can run smoothly and free from unwanted technical glitches.

In addition, FK UNEJ has also ensured that the CBT Center is equipped with a strict security system. These security measures include close supervision during exams to prevent cheating and also to keep exam questions confidential from leaking before the stipulated time. As part of the preparation, FK UNEJ also involves a trained and experienced technical team. This team is tasked with ensuring the smooth operation of the CBT Center and providing technical support to prospective students who take part in the independent selection. They are ready to assist in the resolution of technical problems that may arise during the exam process.

To ensure prospective students are familiar with using the exam application, access to practice using the application is provided. This is so that prospective students can be more familiar with the interface and features before taking the actual exam. This practice feature is expected to help increase the confidence of prospective students and reduce their anxiety when facing exams. FK UNEJ hopes that with the preparation of the CBT Center and the trial of exam applications, the self-selection process will run more efficiently and regularly. The existence of technology in the form of CBT Center is expected to be able to increase the accuracy and transparency of selection, as well as provide a better experience for prospective students who are interested in joining FK UNEJ.

Author: AKR