Agromedicaine – Agromedical Award is a series of events arranged on the 23rd Anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jember. The awarding of awards to the winners of the Agromedical Batik Competition and the Best Lecturer and Staff Award of FK UNEJ were given at the peak night of the anniversary ceremony.

Rector of Jember University Dr.Ir. Iwan Taruna, M.Eng, IPM had the opportunity to give awards to the winners of the Agromedical Batik Competition which was won by 1st place Arabela Jovanka B.S, 2nd place dr. Yoga Wahyu P and 3rd place dr. Sheilla R., M.Biotek. Chairman of the Senate of Jember University Drs. Andang Subaharianto, M.Hum gave awards to the winners of the most favorite Agromedical Batik, namely dr. M. Afiful Jauhar, M.H., Sp.F.M, and 2 dr. Arsyzilma Hakiim.

Attending the Dies Natalis event of the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Jember Vice Rector I Prof. Drs. Slamin, M.Comp.Sc., Ph.D had the opportunity to give awards to the winners of the Best Male Lecturer Category given to dr. Angga Mardro Raharjo, Sp.P and the best female lecturer was won by dr. Elly Nurus Sakinah, M.Si. the award was given directly by Vice Rector II Prof.Dr. drg. Sri Hernawati, M.Kes

The best male staff was won by Asnan, S.H, the award was given directly by Vice Rector III Prof.Drs. Bambang Kuswandi, M.Sc., Ph.D and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jember dr. Ulfa Elfiah, M.Kes, Sp.BP-RE (K) gave an award to the best female staff won by Ns.Novi Wiarti K.S., S.Kep. This Agromedical Award poll was held for 10 days and was conducted by all students and the academic community of the Faculty of Medicine, Jember University.

Author: NWK