In this era of globalization, medical education is developing all over the world. Therefore, CIMSA opens opportunities for medical students to undergo exchange programs, namely through the Clinical Registrar Student Exchange program held by IFMSA. The student exchange program is a promotion for cultural understanding and cooperation between medical students and all health professionals, which is urgently needed on a global scale. Because health services are not only about clinical matters but also about social art as an effort to contribute to improving the quality of health and human resources. Meanwhile, the culture in each place is different, so learning about how cultural competence is needed in health services is no less important.

In July 2023, CIMSA (Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities) Faculty of Medicine, University of Jember will also host the Professional Exchange program. This Incoming Hosting Program was held with the title “One Fine Day” Two students came to study at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jember, and dr. Soebandi Regional Hospital. They are Zanda Birgele from Latvia and Dominik Kovacs from Hungary. On Tuesday, July 4, 2023, a Welcoming Party was held as a welcoming event for exchange students. The event was attended by dr. Yudha Nurdian, M.Kes as Vice Dean III of Faculty of Medicine UNEJ and a member of CIMSA UNEJ. The event took place in a fun manner and became a place to get to know each other for exchange students with the faculty and CIMSA UNEJ.
Mr. Kovacs and Ms. Birgele started their first day at Dr. Soebandi Hospital on Wednesday, July 5, 2023. For the next one month, they will study at the Department of Pediatrics under the guidance of dr. Lukman Oktadianto, Sp.A (K). Thank you for the support and assistance from all parties. Hopefully, Mr. Kovacs and Ms. Birgele can study well and enjoy their time in Jember.
Author: HNR