Agromedicine – In commemoration of National Children’s Day, the Faculty of Medicine at the State University of Jember (FK UNEJ) collaborates with Waru Pamekasan Hospital to organize a free cleft lip surgery program for children in need in East Java, in partnership with the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Waru Pamekasan. This activity took place on July 29, 2023, as a commitment to provide special attention to children facing physical disorders like cleft lips. The goal of this free surgery program is to grant children access to the medical services they require, which may be hindered by economic constraints.

During his speech, Dr. Ulfa Elfiah, M.Kes., Sp.BP-RE., Subsp. L.B.L.(K), the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine UNEJ, emphasized the need for a collaborative effort to address abnormalities in children, especially cleft lip cases. Cleft lips in children are not solely attributable to physical factors; the psychological well-being of the child also necessitates postoperative therapy. Dr. Elfiah highlighted that it’s not just about the surgical procedure but also about the care and support provided by medical professionals and parents. This holistic approach aims to boost children’s self-confidence, ensuring they don’t feel different from their peers and inspiring them to envision a bright future.

The implementation of this free cleft lip surgery program involves a proficient medical team comprising plastic surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, and other experienced healthcare personnel who have handled similar cases before. The primary focus is on delivering services of the highest medical standards. Since the announcement of this program, there has been significant enthusiasm from the people of Pamekasan. Hundreds of parents with children afflicted by cleft lip deformities have registered for this free surgical service, prompting the formation of a dedicated registration team to provide information and facilitate the registration process for participants.

This program doesn’t only benefit children but also their families. Family involvement is a crucial aspect of the recovery process and supporting children after surgery. Hence, all families of program participants are engaged in educational sessions and provided with knowledge about postoperative child care. The collaborative efforts between the Faculty of Medicine UNEJ, Waru Pamekasan Hospital, and Pamekasan Regency Government serve as an inspiring example for the community to actively contribute to improving the quality of life for children in need. This free cleft lip surgery program exemplifies how the commemoration of National Children’s Day can be a meaningful moment to positively impact Indonesian children, especially those in the Pamekasan area.

Author: AKR